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The Most Popular Anti-Vaccine Influencers

Do you know who the most popular anti-vaccine influencers are today?

The COVID pandemic made Peter McCullough one of the most popular anti-vaccine influencers.
The COVID pandemic made Peter McCullough one of the most popular anti-vaccine influencers.

Some of the names have changed over the years…

Some haven’t…

The COVID pandemic made Robert F. Kennedy, Jr even more popular in anti-vaccine circles, and more money!
The COVID pandemic made Robert F. Kennedy, Jr even more popular in anti-vaccine circles, and more money!

And of course, even after millions of unvaccinated people died after vaccines became available during the COVID pandemic, these anti-vaccine influencers continue to use the same old arguments that they have always used – vaccines aren’t necessary, vaccines are dangerous, and everything is a vaccine injury.

The Newest Anti-Vaccine Influencers

These new people pushing misinformation about vaccines who came on the scene during the COVID pandemic include:

And there are several groups of anti-vaccine influencers too, including the:

Of course, there are all of the anti-vaccine experts who were around before the pandemic. They are still here pushing their many different theories behind vaccine injuries.

Some have even used the pandemic to their advantage!

Did I miss any?

The Useful Idiots for Anti-Vaccine Propagandists

I did.

I missed the useful idiots for anti-vaccine propagandists. Can you guess the etymology of that idiom?

  • Dr Vinay PrasadVinay Prasad has been described as “a useful idiot for antivax propagandists,” as he pushes COVID misinformation that is used by anti-vaccine folks to affirm their beliefs against vaccines.
  • Dr John Ioannidis – made early predictions that many folks used to downplay how serious COVID could be.
  • Dr Monica Gandhi – downplayed the risk of COVID variants and “unleashed a firehose of poor predictions and bogus statistics throughout the pandemic, always minimizing the virus, of course.”
  • Dr Leana Wen – pushed the idea that COVID deaths have been overcounted
  • Dr Zubin DamaniaZDoggMD went anti-vaccine? Kind of…
  • Dr Hooman Noorchashm – his claim to fame was warning that we should screen everyone for COVID antibodies because the vaccine might trigger an autoimmune reaction if you have already had COVID. It doesn’t

While idiots might be a strong term for some of these folks, by providing conflicting information they did likely contribute to the COVID confusion we have seen.

More on Who’s Who in the Anti-Vaccine Movement

Last Updated on April 15, 2024

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