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COVID-19 Vaccines and Mad Cow Disease

Why do some people think that our COVID-19 vaccines could be associated with Mad Cow Disease?

COVID-19 vaccines are not associated with prion disease!
COVID-19 vaccines are not associated with prion disease!

The usual suspects…

COVID-19 Vaccines and Mad Cow Disease

But they linked to an article in a medical journal, so isn’t there a chance that it’s true?

Well, let’s see what we have…

COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease was indeed published by J. Bart Classen in the journal Microbiology & Infectious Diseases.

A pay-to-publish journal that isn’t even listed in PubMed…

Classen also warns that the COVID-19 "vaccine could be a bioweapon and even more dangerous than the original infection."
Classen also warns that the COVID-19 “vaccine could be a bioweapon and even more dangerous than the original infection.”

By an author who has also claimed that vaccines are associated with diabetes and autism.

“We are concerned that the current outbreak of COVID-19 is actually a bioweapon attack and may be linked to the US anthrax attack of 2001, which originated from the US army base Fort Detrick.”

Classen Immunotherapies

An author who claims that COVID-19 is a bioweapon attack.

A bioweapon attack that is linked to anthrax attacks in 2001.

And also caused vaping injuries and deaths in the summer of 2019, well over a year before anyone had ever heard of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19!

Is there anything he thinks isn’t caused by COVID-19 or our COVID-19 vaccines?

Do you still think it is a good idea to listen to his theories about COVID-19 vaccines and prion disease?

More on COVID-19 Vaccines and Mad Cow Disease

Last Updated on March 29, 2021

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