The Many Theories Behind Vaccine Injuries

In some circles it has now become a standard belief that all diseases, especially chronic diseases, and every sudden death is caused by a vaccine. That there are dozens of different ideas or theories behind vaccine injuries will likely surprise you.

How do vaccines cause all of these different kinds of vaccine-induced diseases and sudden deaths?

The Many Theories Behind Vaccine Injuries

One of the first ideas for how vaccines cause vaccine injuries, dating to the very first smallpox vaccine, was that vaccines were/are contaminated.

Early vaccine cartoons and caricatures made fun of the idea that contaminated smallpox vaccines would turn you into a cow – you know, because Edward Jenner made his vaccine from cowpox.

Contaminated with what?

What do you have?

Then there is the idea that it is the mercury or thimerosal in vaccines that causes vaccine injuries.

And when thimerosal was removed from most vaccines, they moved to a new idea – it must be the aluminum in vaccines that is causing vaccine injuries!

Or if it isn’t the aluminum, then it must be:

  1. thimerosal – except for a small percentage of flu vaccines in multi-dose vials, nearly all vaccines have been thimerosal-free for some time now
  2. aluminum – aluminum is the new thimerosal!
  3. hot lots – a specific lot or batch of vaccines that is supposed to be more likely to cause vaccine injuries. Never found to be true though.
  4. toxins released by killed bacteria – while inactivated vaccines can be made with killed bacteria, they don’t release toxins. Some vaccines (tetanus and diphtheria) are actually made using the inactivated toxins that are produced by bacteria.
  5. hidden ingredients in vaccines – all of the ingredients in vaccines are well publicized.
  6. adjuvants – many vaccines do not even contain adjuvants
  7. preservatives – what preservatives? Since thimerosal was removed from the great majority of vaccines, most no longer contain preservatives and are instead distributed in single dose syringes and vials.
  8. formaldehyde – most formaldehyde in vaccines is removed, but as most people know, we naturally have formaldehyde in our bodies anyway
  9. antifreeze – antifreeze is not used in any vaccines
  10. gelatin – it might rarely trigger an allergic reaction if you have a gelatin allergy, but no vaccine injuries
  11. stabilizersstabilizers in vaccines, which can include sugars and amino acides, are safe
  12. antibiotics – can maybe trigger allergic reactions, but not any other type of vaccine injuries
  13. polysorbate 80polysorbate 80 doesn’t break the blood brain barrier and is not a source of vaccine injuries
  14. leaky gut syndrome – vaccines somehow cause you to have a leaky gut and this somehow causes autism, except neither is true. The Andrew Wakefield theory of vaccine injury.
  15. combination vaccines – except for a small extra risk of febrile seizures with ProQuad vaccine, combination vaccines do not increase vaccine side effects
  16. getting ‘too many’ vaccines at the same time – the Jay Gordon theory of vaccine injury
  17. vaccine ingredients crossing the blood brain barrier – vaccine ingredients do not cross the blood brain barrier
  18. vaccines triggering autoimmune reactions – a few vaccines have been very rarely associated with Guillain-Barré syndrome, an autoimmune disorder, but typically at one in a million levels of risk. And much less than the risk after a natural infection. Vaccines are not associated with other types of automimmune reactions, like mastocytosis, multiple sclerosis, PANDAS, or HSP, etc.
  19. vaccines causing cytokine storm – they don’t
  20. transhumanism – the Carrie Madej theory that we will become enhanced, more than human, with vaccines altering our DNA and introducing nanobots into our bodies, etc.
  21. glyphospate contamination of vaccines – the Stephanie “half of kids will have autism by 2025” Seneff theory of vaccine injury
  22. pesticides in vaccines – nope
  23. GMOs – some vaccines do use genetic engineering, after all attenuated viruses in live vaccines are modified, right? They don’t cause vaccine injuries though.
  24. SV40 contamination of vaccines – this was a thing, but did not cause cancer or any other types of vaccine injury
  25. vaccines weaken an infant’s immune system – multiple vaccines do not weaken a baby’s immune system
  26. DNA contamination of vaccinesresidual fragments of DNA in vaccines are neither a contaminate nor a safety hazard
  27. amoebas contaminating vaccines – the Viera Scheibner theory of vaccine injury
  28. prions contaminating vaccines – vaccines do not cause Mad Cow disease
  29. molecular mimicry – while molecular mimicry (when our bodies attack similar looking proteins) is a thing, it is not triggered by vaccines, unless you believe Yehuda Shoenfeld
  30. shedding – no, you can’t get a vaccine injury via shedding if you are intentionally not vaccinated
  31. antibody dependent enhancement – this occurs when antibodies, instead of blocking an infection, make it much worse. And unfortunately, it can actually happen after a vaccine, notably the dengue vaccine. Other vaccines we use do not cause antibody dependent enhancement.
  32. Vitamin A toxicity – the Anthony Mawson retinoid toxicity hypothesis of vaccine injury. Getting multiple vaccines at the same time somehow causes vitamin A to accumulate in the liver, leading to “spillage in bile or leakage of vitamin A compounds into the circulation in toxic compounds.” Next, you get “mitochondrial damage, apoptosis, alterations in DNA” and vaccine injury!
  33. epigenetics – the idea that vaccines cause epigenetic changes to cause vaccine injuries. This is how ‘they’ explain away unvaccinated children with autism. It was the vaccines the child’s parents or grandparents received that caused the injury!
  34. it’s the spike protein in COVID vaccines – what else has spike proteins? the COVID virus!
  35. the unified bolus theory – a new theory by Marc Girardot (not a doctor or scientist) who thinks “all vaccines can harm the same” because of “accidental intravascular injections.” What? He thinks that when a vaccine is injected into a muscle, some or all of the dose might be injected into blood vessels in that muscle. And this bolus dose that is injected quickly is supposed to leave you with “billions of circulating transfecting vaccine particles.” What happens next? Anything from cancer, diabetes, and ADHD to “a new wave of Alzheimer disease.” The first problem you might notice with his theory? None of those conditions have been associated with vaccines… And there is the fact that transfecting vaccine particles aren’t a thing! Lastly, this so-called unified theory for vaccine injury doesn’t explain how OPV causes VAPP or oral rotavirus vaccines cause intussusception, some real examples of vaccine injury. And what about all of the vaccines that are given subcutaneously, like MMR?
  36. vaccines are unholy and evil – after all, vaccines aren’t even mentioned in the bible! But this is refuted by the simple fact that nearly all major religions support vaccination! So no, a vaccine injury is not God’s punishment for getting vaccinated.

Which theory hypothesis or idea do you believe?

“In vaccines that contain killed bacteria, the bacteria can release toxins into the bloodstream. If these toxins reach the brain, neurological problems, including autism, ADHD, and behavioral problems can develop. “

Stephanie Cave on What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children’s Vaccinations

Stephanie Cave also blames the AIDS epidemic on the polio vaccine…

“Although the use of contaminated polio vaccine may explain how HIV/AIDS began in Africa, why did it appear in dramatic numbers among homosexual men in North America? This was puzzling until 1992, when it was noted that beginning in the late 1970s, oral polio vaccines were often given to homosexual men as treatment for genital herpes. The treatments consisted of vaccines that were much more potent than those used to prevent polio.”

Stephanie Cave on What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children’s Vaccinations

While she mentions that researchers had already tested stored samples of the original OPV vaccine and found no contamination, it should also be noted that no one got “more potent” vaccines. Some adults in limited clinical trials received higher doses of the vaccine (4 drops vs 2 drops), but it was the same oral polio vaccine. And this never became a standard treatment for herpes. It continued to be tested and did seem effective, but wasn’t practical as we stopped using OPV vaccines.

Now isn’t the fact that there are so many different ideas for how vaccines supposedly cause vaccine injuries and that everything is a vaccine injury a red flag that you should be more skeptical? Remember, these ideas have all been looked at and refuted over and over again. Vaccines are safe and necessary, with few risks.

Which Vaccines Cause These Vaccine Injuries?

And which vaccines do they actually think can cause these vaccine injuries?

There are many different kinds of vaccines and they are made in many different ways.

Remember, the MMR vaccine has never contained either thimerosal nor aluminum. So you can eliminate those two theories when considering the MMR vaccine as a cause of vaccine injuries.

The MMR vaccine is a live vaccine, so is not going to release any toxins that ‘they’ say you might see from killed bacteria.

Is the problem really just that it is a combination vaccine?

If you believe the bolus theory, a combination vaccine like MMR or Vaxelis (six in one) would actually reduce your risk of vaccine injury! After all, fewer shots mean less chances for the “accidental intravascular injections” Marc Girardot talks about, right?

The Too Many Theories Behind Vaccine Injuries

Have you ever heard of Occam’s razor?

William of Ockham was a 14th-century English philosopher and theologian who said:

“The simplest explanation is usually the best one.”

Occam’s razor

What does that have to do with vaccine injuries?

What is the simplest explanation?

That there really are nearly three dozen different ways for how vaccines can cause vaccine injuries, vaccines made in different ways over hundreds of years, or that vaccines are safe and rarely cause serious adverse effects or injury?

More on Vaccine Injury Theories

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