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Did the CDC Move the Goalposts With New COVID Guidance?

Why do some folks think that the CDC moved the goalposts on COVID guidance, treating it more like the flu?

Del Bigtree thinks that new COVID guidance from the CDC means that he has been right all along!
Del Bigtree thinks that new COVID guidance from the CDC means that he has been right all along!

The usual suspects…

Did the CDC Move the Goalposts With New COVID Guidance?

While it is certainly true that CDC’s guidance about COVID has changed – again, that’s not terribly surprising, as we are now in the 5th year of dealing with the COVID-19 virus.

As the threat from COVID-19 becomes more similar to that of other common respiratory viruses, CDC is issuing Respiratory Virus Guidance, rather than additional virus-specific guidance.

Background for CDC’s Updated Respiratory Virus Guidance

Remember, the ’19’ part of COVID-19 was because it first appeared in 2019…

“While we are all anxious for the COVID-19 pandemic to be over, I don’t remember any expert claiming that the virus would go away, or be eliminated to any significant degree. Rather, it would simply become like the flu, an endemic simmering infection that becomes part of the background.”

COVID and Hybrid Immunity

And since those first few weeks and months of the pandemic, we now have updated vaccines, new treatments, and new treatment protocols.

Due to the effectiveness of protective tools and high degree of population immunity, there are now fewer hospitalizations and deaths due to COVID-19.”

Background for CDC’s Updated Respiratory Virus Guidance

What else?

A whole lot of people with immunity to the COVID-19 virus, both natural and vaccine induced!

COVID has been a big killer the last few years! How many more would have died without vaccines and other risk reduction strategies?
COVID has been a big killer the last few years! How many more would have died without vaccines and other risk reduction strategies, like wearing masks and social distancing?

So no, the fact that the CDC has updated their guidance in 2024 doesn’t mean that the CDC moved the goalposts on anything or that folks who wanted to treat COVID like the flu in 2020 or 2021 were right.

“In the last week, two new studies in the New England of Journal Medicine have bolstered that point and suggest that there is considerable benefit to getting vaccinated even after recovery from COVID-19.”

‘Natural immunity’ to COVID has its limits

They were wrong then and they are still wrong (at least the ones who survived COVID are…), as most of them push misinformation that scares people away from getting vaccinated and protected.

If you are high risk, having folks treat COVID like the flu likely sounds scary!
If you are high risk, having folks treat COVID like the flu likely sounds scary!

In fact, some experts think that the CDC has been too aggressive in making these changes and that they will lead to more infections, especially in those at high risk for severe infections.

More on COVID Guidance

Last Updated on March 14, 2024

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