Home » Vaccine Fact Check » Did a U.S. Government Cartel Pay CVS and Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions and Push COVID Shots?

Did a U.S. Government Cartel Pay CVS and Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions and Push COVID Shots?

Why do some people think that a U.S. Government cartel paid CVS and Walgreens billions to reject ivermectin prescriptions and instead push COVID shots?

James Thorp has moved on from spreading misinformation about COVID vaccines and miscarriages.
The so-called US Government cartel is the CDC and HHS and the information about the money they paid to CVS and Walgreens has been available in very public contracts.

The usual suspects…

Did a U.S. Government Cartel Pay CVS and Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions and Push COVID Shots?

In this case, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.‘s organization, the ironically named Children’s Health Defense, is highlighting a propaganda piece by Maggie and James Thorp.

In it, they claim that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the CDC (that’s the cartel!) paid CVS and Walgreens to reject ivermectin prescriptions.

The evidence?

This conspiracy theory about Walgreens and CVS being paid to avoid filling ivermectin prescriptions is being laundered across anti-vaccine sites and their social media accounts.
This conspiracy theory about Walgreens and CVS being paid to avoid filling ivermectin prescriptions is being laundered across anti-vaccine sites and their social media accounts.

Maggie and James Thorp provide zero evidence for their conspiracy theory

“Drug dealing, it seems, has always been a lucrative business, especially when the drug lord of your cartel is the federal government. Why in the world would any supplier want to promote or prescribe a cheap and readily available drug – like Ivermectin – if doing so would throw a wrench into potential billion-dollar cash-cow contracts with the federal government? The simple answer: If the supplier values its profits over patients, it wouldn’t.”

The Government Cartel paid billions to Walgreens and CVS not to fill Ivermectin – the question is why

Well, I guess that’s their argument, all real evidence to the contrary.

“However, the federal appeals court sided with the pharmacies, ruling that pharmacists have the right to “exercise independent judgment in filling prescriptions.””

Federal court says pharmacists can use independent judgement in filling prescriptions

They also discovered that this so-called ‘cartel’ paid CVS and Walgreens to “push COVID shots.”

The evidence for that?

Very public government contracts that show CVS and Walgreens got money through the Increasing Community Access to Testing Program (ICATT), which has provided:

  • no-cost COVID-19 testing for uninsured people that are symptomatic or exposed
  • no-cost COVID-19 vaccines for the uninsured and underinsured
  • surge testing when needed, including no-cost and short-term COVID-19 surge testing sites to socially vulnerable communities

So basically CVS and Walgreens were paid to test and vaccinate people because they have brick and mortar stores everywhere and it was the fastest way to make sure these folks could get tested and vaccinated!

And that supposedly motivated them to avoid filling prescriptions for ivermectin???

It wasn’t just that there was no evidence that ivermectin worked, at first, and then all of the evidence that ivermectin didn’t work?

I mean, if this were remotely true, then folks could have just gone to Walmart or any other pharmacy and gotten their ivermectin prescriptions filled, right?

That leaves us with one real question…

Why are these folks still pushing ivermectin?

It’s so bad now that they have run out of conspiracy theories and they need to criticize programs that helped people without insurance pay for COVID testing and vaccines?

“CDC is partnering with CVS and Walgreens to offer on-site COVID-19 vaccination services for residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities once vaccination is recommended for them.”

Understanding the Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Care Program

They didn’t even figure out all of the ways that the government, CVS, and Walgreens helped folks get vaccinated and protected!

Anti-Vax Folks Who Got COVID Money

Interestingly, more than a few anti-vaccine influencers also received COVID relief funds.

Why didn’t that influence them and turn them against COVID vaccines and ivermectin?

More on Anti-Vaccine Propaganda

Last Updated on May 22, 2024