Fact Check: Was the Efficacy Rate of the Flu Vaccine Only 9% Last Year?

Why do some folks think that the efficacy rate of the flu vaccine was only 9% last year?

The efficacy rate of the flu vaccine was much higher than 9% last year.

The usual suspects…

Was the Efficacy Rate of the Flu Vaccine Only 9% Last Year?

Of course, we know that the effectiveness rate of the flu vaccine was much higher than 9% last year. At least most of us do…

The CDC publishes end of season influenza vaccine effectiveness for all vaccine types

While not as good as most other vaccines, it is certainly better than the 9% rate that folks who push misinformation about vaccines like to talk about.

So where does the 9% number come from?

It was a number thrown around before last year’s flu season ever got started! And not surprisingly, it was shown to be false.

Not surprisingly, again, that hasn’t kept folks from continuing to spread this and other fake information about flu vaccines.

More on Fact Checking Flu Vaccine Myths

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