Did the US Government Lose a Landmark Vaccine Lawsuit?

Have you heard the big news in the anti-vaccine world?

Reagan didn’t do much for vaccines, but it isn’t fair to pin this one on him.

It seems that some folks think that the Department of Health and Human Services hasn’t been complying with federal vaccine safety mandates for 30 years.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 includes a mandate for safer vaccines.


Which ones?

Did the US Government Lose a Landmark Vaccine Lawsuit?

While anti-vaccine folks are pushing this lawsuit victory (?) to make folks think that HHS has done absolutely nothing to promote vaccine safety in the last 30 years, that is obviously nonsense.

The lawsuit was actually just about the reporting requirements of paragraph (c) of section 2127 of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.

It should be clear that the HHS has done plenty to promote vaccine safety though.

HHS Secretary Donna Shalala actually reported to the Senate Committee on Health Education Labor and Pensions in 1998.

Even if no formal reports were filed, the HHS secretary did report to and appear before Congress. Come to think of it, they even sent some reports to Congress.

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has commissioned almost a dozen reports about vaccine safety over the years.

And the Health and Medicine Division (HMD) division (previously known as the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine has published a number of vaccine safety reviews and reports under commission of HRSA, an agency of HHS.

Where do folks think that all of those IOM vaccine safety reports and reviews come from? Were they sent to Congress?

The Assistant Secretary for Health leads development of HHS-wide public health policy recommendations, oversees 11 core public health offices and three Presidential and 11 Secretarial advisory committees. We have had a National Vaccine Plan since 1994.

And also consider that:

Most importantly, new vaccines have been approved that protect our kids against many more now vaccine-preventable diseases.

HHS Settles Lawsuit Over Vaccine Safety Reporting

But wait, did the HHS even lose the lawsuit?

Not saying I’m surprised, but even Dr. Bob has bought into the idea that this lawsuit against HHS means something big.

They actually didn’t.

They did settle a lawsuit though, a lawsuit which was then dismissed.

So like the CDC whistleblower movie that didn’t include a whistleblower, anti-vaccine folks think that they have a smoking gun about vaccine safety reports, except that it is very obvious that all kinds of reports about vaccine safety have been done over the years.

Vaccines are still safe. And they are still necessary.

What to Know About the HHS Vaccine Lawsuit

Although it does seem like HHS didn’t file the required formal reports and keep to the strict letter of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, there is abundant evidence that they have actually done all of the work required to make sure that our vaccines are safe.

More on the HHS Vaccine Lawsuit

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