Fake Vaccine News

Lately, after the election of Donald Trump, there has been an effort by Facebook and Google to crack down on fake news.

What is fake news?

Although some people include satirical news stories, it is mostly stories with made-up statistics or out-of-context quotes that intentionally mislead people to get clicks and pageviews.

Unfortunately, these click-bait type fake news stories aren’t just about politics.

Fake Vaccine News

Some websites cross over and deal with fake political news and fake health and vaccine news. These are typically sites that talk a lot about conspiracy theories:

Alex Jones’ InfoWars recently did a story “Shock: Scientists Work To Destroy Old Polio Vaccine After Admitting it Causes Polio.” While there is a touch of truth to that headline, the old polio vaccine is simply being destroyed because it is no longer needed – type 2 polio has been eliminated and we are moving to a safer bivalent polio vaccine.

That polio vaccine story is fairly mild by InfoWars standards though. Consider another of their “news” articles concludes that “With people globally becoming increasingly aware of the role of vaccines in the agenda to reduce world population, the cover-up of debilitating diseases, soft kill side-effects, and instant fatalities as a result of vaccinations will continue to implode, until authorities are forced by law to implement vastly more stringent screening procedures and remove the toxic additives from vaccines that are causing these deaths and diseases.”

Other InfoWars headlines include:

Of course, Alex Jones isn’t the only one pushing fake vaccine news.

Other fake vaccine news sties are run by people and organizations who are obviously anti-vaccine, but in addition to scaring people about supposed toxins in vaccines and anecdotal vaccine injury stories, they publish obvious fake news.

We saw some good examples of this when Prince died. TruthKings, which also has stories about politics and weather wars, was quick to say that “Vaccine Injury Suspected In Prince’s Death.”

Suspected by whom? The only evidence was that “he was battling a flu.” While we now know that he died of an overdose, it is beyond silly to go from “battling a flu” to dying of a vaccine injury.

Another example?

It is no secret that multi-dose vials of flu vaccine still contain the preservative thimerosal.

In an “exclusive” report, NaturalNews found “a shockingly high level of toxic mercury in an influenza vaccine.”

The only problem? They tested a multidose vial of the flu vaccine that still contains mercury, and they found exactly as much mercury as it was supposed to have. While that would have been news if they had tested one of the many flu vaccines that are thimerosal free, the article doesn’t mention that at all. It instead goes on and on about how everyone else is in on some elaborate lie or conspiracy tricking people into thinking that mercury has been removed from vaccines.

Ironically, NaturalNews thinks this is a reason that they shouldn’t be labeled as being fake news.

Natural News is the only website to have tested flu shots for mercury composition using ICP-MS instrumentation and published the mercury numbers in the interests of public health and safety.

Mike Adams, the “Health Ranger”

Many other sites that often push fake vaccine news including:

Where have you read fake vaccine news?

For More Information on Fake Vaccine News

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