Stanley Plotkin on Vaccines

Stanley Plotkin isn’t very well known, at least not outside the infectious disease world.

He should be though.

Vaccines, like science in general, are under attack as never before. Yet every accusation must be evaluated, and if correct, as in the case of rotavirus, responded to with a better vaccine; and if incorrect, such as measles vaccine and autism, vigorously fought, or we will sink into another Dark Ages of mysticism  and pseudoscience.

Dr. Plotkin is a pediatrician and vaccinologist who has received many awards and:

He is also the founding father of The Pediatric Infectious Disease Society and has published over 700 publications and 4 books, including Vaccines.

Among his awards, Dr. Plotkin received the 2010 Distinguished Service Award from the PIDS, in addition to receiving the:

Dr. Plotkin was also elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences.

For More Information On Stanley Plotkin:


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