Did the FDA Admit that COVID Vaccines Significantly Elevate a Toddler’s Risk of Seizures?

Why do some people think that the FDA admitted that COVID vaccines significantly elevate a toddler’s risk of seizures?

The FDA did not admit that COVID vaccines lead to significantly elevated risk of seizures in toddlers.

The usual suspects…

Did the FDA Admit that COVID Vaccines Significantly Elevate a Toddler’s Risk of Seizures?

While the FDA did recently do a study on febrile seizures in toddlers who had received a COVID vaccine, not surprisingly, they did not find a significantly elevated risk of seizures.

Instead, they found that even though some of the toddlers did have febrile seizures, the ‘absolute risk was small.’

“The incidence of febrile seizures was elevated immediately following vaccination with the monovalent mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccine in children aged 2-5 years. Based on the current body of evidence, the safety profile of monovalent mRNA vaccines remains favorable for use in young children.”

Evaluation of Febrile Seizure Risk Following Ancestral Monovalent COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination Among U.S. Children Aged 2-5 Years

So how do you get from “the absolute risk was small” to a “significantly elevated risk?”

These folks who push misinformation about COVID vaccines are counting on you not actually reading the study they are talking about!

While febrile seizures are common and typically not dangerous, you don’t have to worry about your young children being at greater risk for febrile seizures after getting a COVID vaccine.

“Febrile seizure may be children’s primary neurological manifestation of COVID-19.”

Febrile seizure in children with COVID-19 during the Omicron wave

Also, these folks who try to scare you away from vaccinating and protecting your kids don’t tell you that a natural COVID infection can also cause your child to have a febrile seizure!

More on Vaccines and Seizures

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