Home » Anti-Vaccine Propaganda » I Don’t Have a Cookie, But I Can Still Give You Measles

I Don’t Have a Cookie, But I Can Still Give You Measles

If you spend a little time trying to talk about vaccines with someone who has decided to intentionally leave their kids unvaccinated and unprotected, it soon becomes obvious that their decision isn’t based on sound reasoning.

Of course, that’s because anti-vaccine talking points are all based on myths and misinformation.

One idea that they have an especially hard time understanding is that children and adults who are intentionally unvaccinated are the ones who start most outbreaks.

How can they get others sick if they aren’t sick?

Well, they can’t, if they never get sick. But since they are unvaccinated and not immune, they are at increased risk to get sick.

I wouldn't take a cookie from someone who equates giving people cookies to getting measles...
Not having a cookie doesn’t make you immune to getting cookies…

It’s just like with the cookies… If you never, ever have or make cookies, then you can’t give us any cookies.

On the other hand, if you don’t have any cookies, but someone brings you all of the ingredients to make the best chocolate chip cookies ever, then you can bake up some cookies for us.

Just like measles.

More on Cookies and Measles

Last Updated on April 6, 2024

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